Wednesday, February 6, 2008

Feb 6th PT Session

I arrived early for PT today and did 15 minutes on the NuStep, a favorite exercise machine. I did this before the official 45-minute session began. My therapist, Paul, then greeted me and said that we're doing core and trunk work on the mat today. I started on my hands and knees, and he had me push my bottom toward my heels as if moving into child's pose: However, my quads and knees are still pretty tight, so I can't go all the way down. He had me move my head forward, hips up, then push back down, noticing that I made progress with each rep.
Next, I did the quadraped focusing on the upper body. Paul held his hand up and out at different levels in front of me, and I stretched to reach his hand.
I then lay on my back and did about 6 reps of bridge. After bridge, I did some leg work, kicking out and bringing the knee into my chest with Paul providing resistance. He ended my session by having me do a few reps of modified side plank on each side. Very challenging, especially on my left side.

After we finished, Paul told me that for future sessions he wanted to focus on getting my body more limber and on building my core strength. He explained that while it is important to work on my lower and upper body strength (which I am doing on my own), my body needs more flexibility and core strength to improve my walking so I will able to transition from the walker to a cane. As a student of yoga, I couldn't agree more with flexibility and core strength as the goal. In fact, today's session was full of yoga poses, and I loved it! Another great PT session :)

I didn't have Occupational Therapy today due to a scheduling conflict but should be on track next Wednesday for both OT and PT, back to back.

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